22nd Paektusan Prize International Figure Skating Festival Opens > News

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north | 22nd Paektusan Prize International Figure Skating Festival Opens

페이지 정보

작성자 Rodong 작성일13-02-16 01:44 댓글0건


The 22nd Paektusan Prize International Figure Skating Festival opened on February 15 with due ceremony at the Ice Rink in Pyongyang to mark the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

Present at the ceremony were Yang Hyong Sop, Ro Tu Chol and officials concerned, sportspersons and other people, the delegation of Koreans in Japan and other delegations of overseas Koreans, overseas compatriots, the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front and foreign guests.

DPRK's figure skaters and those from Russia, Ukraine, Estonia and Canada entered the ice rink.

Ri Jong Mu, minister of Physical Culture and Sports, in his opening address that the festival has been held with splendor as a significant one reflecting the boundless reverence of all people for Kim Jong Il, who made a great contribution to the revolutionary cause of Juche and the human cause of independence.

He expressed belief that the festival would greatly encourage the army and the people of the DPRK in dynamically speeding up the grand onward march in the new century of Juche under the leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un.

The flag of the festival was hoisted and demonstration performances of figure skaters of the DPRK and other countries were staged.

2013-02-16-04-01-22nd Paektusan Prize International Figure Skating Festival.jpg

Rodong Sinmun 2013-02-16

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