Fourth Conference of Cell Secretaries of WPK Closes > News

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north | Fourth Conference of Cell Secretaries of WPK Closes

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작성자 KCNA 작성일13-01-30 08:37 댓글0건


Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The Fourth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) closed Tuesday.

Speeches were made at the second-day conference

Speaking at the conference were Jo Jong Suk,  secretary of the party cell of the Management Station of Revolutionary Battle Site of Mt. Paektu,  Yun Yong Bok,  secretary of the party cell of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports,  Yun In Dok,  secretary of the party cell of North Hamgyong Provincial People's Hospital,  Jang Myong Sok,  chief secretary of the Sinchon County Party Committee,  Ri Man Gon,  chief secretary of the North Phyongan Provincial Committee of the WPK,  and others.

Jong U Yong,  secretary of the party cell of the Fourth Shop of the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex,  Yom Yong Gil,  secretary of the branch party committee of the Tools Shop of the Pyongyang Textile Machine Factory,  Jong Kwang Bok,  secretary of the party cell of the Rodong Sinmun Office,  and others made written speeches.

The speakers were unanimous in praising the leadership feats of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu associated with their fields and units,  and analyzed and reviewed achievements,  experience and defects in their party work in the past.

They made pledges to glorify generation after generation the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's idea on party-building and their feats,  bring about an epochal turn in the party work under the leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un and thus contribute to turning the party into an unbreakable integral whole with firm center of leadership and unity,  a genuine mother party that is linked with the people through one blood vessel and a guiding force that leads the building of a thriving nation.

Kim Jong Un,  first secretary of the WPK,  first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army,  made an important speech.

The participants extended greatest glory and warmest thanks to Kim Jong Un,  who has further strengthened the WPK shining with the august names and feats of the great Generalissimos,  remarkably enhanced its leadership role and thus provided the undying important programme to effect a great swing in the revolution and construction.

A letter of pledge to the WPK was adopted at the conference.

Kim Jong Un made a closing address.
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