Kim Jong Il's Feats for Songun Revolution Lauded > News

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north | Kim Jong Il's Feats for Songun Revolution Lauded

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작성자 KCNA 작성일13-01-29 20:58 댓글0건


Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- It has been 10 years after leader Kim Jong Il made public his celebrated work "The Songun-based Revolutionary Line Is a Great Revolutionary Line of Our Era and an Ever-Victorious Banner of Our Revolution".

The work, published on January 29, Juche 92 (2003), deals with the essence, features, validity and vitality of the Songun (military-first) policy and the theoretical and practical issues arousing in pursuing the policy.

Referring to the great feats performed by Kim Jong Il with this policy, Ri Hong Su, a department head of the Philosophy Faculty of Kim Il Sung University, told KCNA:

"Leader Kim Jong Il in his lifetime bolstered up the DPRK's military capabilities in every way and guided the showdown with the U.S.-led imperialists and the building of a thriving country to victory by dint of the great Songun policy.

He formulated the Songun policy as the basic mode of politics under socialism and applied it in all fields of society for the first time in history. This is the greatest of his feats performed for the Songun revolution.

The Songun politics is unthinkable apart from his august name."

Choe Kum Chun, a candidate academician of the university, stressed that thanks to Kim Jong Il's Songun policy the DPRK turned into a military power, a full-fledged nuclear state and a satellite manufacturing and launching state.

Prof. and Dr. Kim Chun Gun of the same university said:

"Leader Kim Jong Il's guidance over the Songun revolution developed the DPRK into a politico-ideological power, in which all the people are closely untied as one in mind, and ushered in a new era of building a thriving country.

It also opened up a new phase for Korea's reunification by providing the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration between the north and the south and reliably ensured the peace and security in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world."
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