UN "Resolution" Reminiscent of "Munich Pact": Social Scientist > News

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north | UN "Resolution" Reminiscent of "Munich Pact": Soci…

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작성자 KCNA 작성일13-01-29 20:48 댓글0건


Pyongyang, January 29 (KCNA) -- The UN Security Council recently cooked up a "resolution on sanctions" against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea over its satellite launch, at the initiative of the United States.

The "resolution" is reminiscent of the "Munich Pact," which was concluded in 1938, aiming to deprive a sovereign state of its territory, a social scientist of the DPRK said.

Kim Ha Il, a researcher of the Academy of Social Sciences, told KCNA:

The prevailing situation over the DPRK's satellite launch clearly proves that there is a limit to capabilities of parties concerned in their efforts to fairly handle the issue and avert aggravation of the situation.

The DPRK has never expected that the U.S. and its followers' hostile policy towards the DPRK would be readjusted by the efforts of the parties concerned but regarded it as a truth that it should settle accounts with the U.S. by dint of strength only.

It is as clear as noonday that if the U.S. is allowed to resort to the arbitrary and high-handed practices of violating the sovereignty of the DPRK, it will impose a more shameful indignity upon the DPRK and ask those parties concerned for more crucial concession.

As part of its strategy for world supremacy, the U.S. is now focusing its military forces on the East Asian region embracing regional powers, creating an acute situation of military confrontation.

Illogical is the assertion that the DPRK's satellite launch should meet denunciation and sanctions because it gives an excuse to the U.S. and its allies for making such military actions.

It is as ridiculous as one advising others not to breed fowl for fear of being stolen, while one breeds a cow in one's house.

A burglar should be clubbed to death.

The results of the "Munich Pact" teach a lesson that one-step concession to hegemonic forces leads to one hundred-step concessions and to death in the long run.

The DPRK can never allow its legitimate right to launch satellites for peaceful purposes to be violated by others like the disgraceful fate forced upon Sudet area by the "pact". Moreover, it is not like a weak nation that turned into a sacrifice to the "pact".

Time will show what kinds of powerful and physical countermeasure the DPRK will take to defend the nation's dignity and sovereignty and how it will bring to naught the U.S. antagonistic conception and attempt.

Those parties who sided with the U.S. in cooking up the "resolution" should ponder over the consequences to be entailed therefrom.
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