US Fears DPRK's Development of Technology: Brazilian Organization > News

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north | US Fears DPRK's Development of Technology: Brazilian Organization

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작성자 KCNA 작성일13-01-23 13:11 댓글0건


Pyongyang, January 22 (KCNA) -- The Brazilian Center for the Study of the Juche Idea on Jan. 15 posted on its website an article titled "The U.S. fears development of technology of socialist Korea" with a photo of the launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2.

It said as follows:

The U.S. killed a lot of Koreans with all kinds of bombs including napalm bombs during the Korean War from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953.

Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung the Korean people won a historic victory after beating the U.S. forces in the war.

After the war the U.S. tried to perpetuate the division of Korea and turned south Korea into its military base and a huge arsenal of arms for aggression including nuclear weapons.

Today the U.S. warmongers are getting evermore undisguised in the moves for invasion of the DPRK.

These days the U.S. is running amuck in war drills to invade the DPRK while kicking up anti-DPRK moves after the latter's independent satellite launch.

The DPRK has strong nuclear deterrence and modern offensive and defensive means. The U.S. fears the development of technology of socialist Korea.
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