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north | Popular Sauna Rooms

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작성자 Uriminzokkiri 작성일12-12-08 00:00 댓글0건


Pine Sauna Room in Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

Pine Sauna Room in Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

The popular one in Ryugyong Health Complex is peculiar sauna rooms.

People say they go bath on condition that sauna facilities are good. Sauna is such good means for bathing to recover from fatigue and illness.

The sauna rooms in Ryugyong Health Complex are perfect excellent ones in this sense, attracting people.

Each room has its characters.

The one made of pine trees strengthens hearts and lungs and is effective in the treatment of bronchial asthma, rheumatic arthritis and alopecia.

Resting area adjacent to Pine Sauna Room in Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

Resting area adjacent to Pine Sauna Room in Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

The salt sauna room which has great curative value by far infrared rays emitted by refined salt in high temperature, is effective in circulatory disease and nervous system disorders. In addition it enriches skin and is specially efficacious for recovery from fatigue. The average temperature of pine sauna room and salt room are 50 ℃.

Generally sauna rooms heat body with high temperature of 80 to 110 ℃ to sweat. It had been installed and used in the bath.

As the society develops sauna rooms with different temperature was appeared.

The sauna rooms in Ryugyong Health Complex are gaining public favor as it provides good circumstance and condition to get over from all sorts of mental and physical fatigue and enjoy free time.

Foyer of Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

Foyer of Ryugyong Health Complex, Pyongyang

Story by Uriminzokkiri

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