Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Cemetery of CPV Martyrs > News

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북녘 | Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Cemetery of CPV Martyrs

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작성자 편집국 작성일23-07-26 08:06 댓글0건


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Cemetery of CPV Martyrs

Pyongyang, July 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK)\and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), visited the cemetery of martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) in Hoechang County of South Phyongan Province to pay a high tribute to them on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Presidium member of the Political Bureau\and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, Choe Son Hui, minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Song Nam, department director of the WPK Central Committee,\and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee.

The guard of honor of the Korean People's Army (KPA) lined up at the cemetery.

The national anthems of the People's Republic of China\and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were solemnly played.

Amid the playing of the wreath-laying music, a wreath in the name of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was laid at the monument to the CPV martyrs.

Written on the ribbons of the wreath were letters reading "Martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers will Be Immortal".

Kim Jong Un paid a silent tribute in memory of the CPV martyrs who unsparingly dedicated their precious lives to the righteous war of the Korean people to repel the imperialist aggression.

Then, he placed a flower before the grave of Mao Anying at the cemetery\and paid a tribute to him.

He made a round of the cemetery, together with senior officials accompanying him.

He said that the noble soul\and spirit of sons\and daughters of the Chinese people who supported the Korean people in the sacred anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle with their heroic sacrifice\and made an important contribution to the war victory are obviously recorded in history as a foundation\and model of the DPRK-China friendship to be immortal along with the socialist ideal.

Noting that the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War was a war of justice to defend their dignity, honor\and sovereignty as well as the world peace\and security\and an acute political\and military confrontation with the imperialist dominationist forces which was staged on behalf of the peace-loving forces\and the progressive mankind, he stressed that the great victory won by the peoples of the DPRK\and China at the cost of their blood is invariably displaying its great vitality still now, century after century.

He said that the noble life of the CPV martyrs would be immortal in the hearts of the Korean people\and that the history\and tradition of unity between the peoples of the two countries, who forged the bonds of kinship in the sacred struggle for accomplishing the cause of anti-imperialist independence\and socialism\and have resolutely smashed the reactionary offensive of the imperialists by dint of justice\and truth, would be reliably carried forward through generations. -0-

[이 게시물은 편집국님에 의해 2023-07-26 08:08:27 새 소식에서 복사 됨]
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