Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits War Martyrs Cemetery > News

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북녘 | Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits War Martyrs Cemetery

페이지 정보

작성자 편집국 작성일23-07-26 08:05 댓글0건


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits War Martyrs Cemetery

Pyongyang, July 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea\and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited the Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery on July 25 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War.

He was accompanied by Minister Kang Sun Nam\and other commanding officers of the DPRK Ministry of National Defence\and commanders of the services\and commanders of large combined units of the Korean People's Army.

Kim Jong Un laid a flower before the Fatherland Liberation War Martyrs Cemetery.

He paid high tribute to the martyrs of the great years who honorably defended the sovereignty\and security of the country\and people with bloody victory\and at dearly cost\and provided the precious ideological\and moral heritage\and tradition of victory as an eternally invariable cornerstone for the mightiness of the DPRK.

He said that the miracle of July 27, the first defenders of the DPRK brought about while reliably safeguarding the outpost of the anti-imperialist struggle in an eastern part of the earth, is a victory of the distinguished\and ardent patriotic cause of the army\and people of the DPRK who devotedly defended the honor\and sovereignty of the country\and, at the same time, a great victory of significance in the human history as they inflicted eternally indelible disgrace\and defeat on the U.S. imperialism, the chieftain of aggression,\and prevented a new world war.

Saying that the precious war victory won by the victorious wartime generation at the cost of their blood\and lives\and the victory always won in the unyielding confrontation with the U.S. imperialism for 70 years through centuries\and generations are a genuine example of defending the country\and peace which clearly impressed the whole world with the entity of the people's country\and just state that no force can conquer, he stressed this is the proud dignity\and prestige established in the 5 000-year-long history of the Korean nation.

A country, great in history\and tradition\and steadfast in succession, is invincible, he said, affirming that the DPRK, the most dignified\and independent powerful country in the world, will always emerge victorious when the heroic spirit\and fighting trait displayed in the great years are creditably inherited as the irresistible might peculiar to the Korean revolution. -0-






[이 게시물은 편집국님에 의해 2023-07-26 08:05:12 새 소식에서 복사 됨]
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