Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK > News

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north | Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK

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작성자 편집국 작성일23-07-11 06:18 댓글0건


Press Statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK

Pyongyang, July 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), issued the following press statement on Tuesday:

As regards the provocation by the U.S. forces, the military of the "ROK" again impudently took the lead in denying the encroachment on the DPRK's sovereignty, while shamelessly asserting that it was a "normal flight of the 'ROK'\and the U.S."

The issue related to the relevant aerial area is the one between the Korean People's Army\and the U.S. forces.

The military gangsters of the "ROK" should stop acting impudently\and shut up at once.

The strategic reconnaissance plane of the U.S. Air Force illegally intruded into the economic water zone of the DPRK side in the East Sea of Korea eight times in the sky above the sea of 435 km east of Thongchon of Kangwon Province~276 km southeast of Uljin of North Kyongsang Province rom 5:15 to 13:10 on July 10, to commit an aerial espionage act.

I have already notified beforehand the counteraction of our army upon authorization.

In case of repeated illegal intrusion, the U.S. forces will experience a very critical flight. -0-



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