Law on DPRKs Policy on Nuclear Forces Promulgated​ > News

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북녘 | Law on DPRKs Policy on Nuclear Forces Promulgated​

페이지 정보

작성자 편집국 작성일22-09-10 12:22 댓글0건



Law on DPRK's Policy on Nuclear Forces Promulgated​


Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The law of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on the state policy on the nuclear forces was promulgated on September 8.

According to the law, the DPRK, as a responsible nuclear weapons state, opposes all forms of wars including nuclear war\and aspires to build a peaceful world in which the international justice is realized.

The nuclear forces of the DPRK are a powerful means for defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity\and fundamental interests of the state, preventing a war on the Korean peninsula\and in Northeast Asia\and ensuring the strategic stability of the world.

The nuclear posture of the DPRK is guaranteed by the reliable, effective\and matured nuclear deterrence, defensive\and responsible nuclear forces policy\and flexible\and purposeful strategy for using nuclear weapons capable of actively coping with any existing\and developing nuclear threats in future.

The opening of the DPRK's policy on the nuclear forces\and legal stipulation of the use of nuclear weapons are aimed to reduce the danger of a nuclear war to the maximum by preventing misjudge among nuclear weapons states\and misuse of nuclear weapons.

The Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK decides as follows in\order to make the nuclear forces, the backbone of the state defence capacity,\and discharge their heavy mission in a responsible manner.

1. Mission of Nuclear Forces

The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall be a main force of the state defence which safeguards the sovereignty\and territorial integrity of the country\and the lives\and safety of the people rom outside military threat, aggression\and attack.

1) The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall regard it as their main mission to deter a war by making hostile forces have a clear understanding of the fact that the military confrontation with the DPRK brings about ruin\and give up attempts at aggression\and attack.

2) The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall carry out an operational mission for repulsing hostile forces' aggression\and attack\and achieving decisive victory of war in case its deterrence fails.

2. Constitution of Nuclear Forces

The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall be composed of different kinds of nuclear warheads, delivery means, command\and control system\and all the personnel, equipment\and facilities for the system's operating\and updating.

Command\and Control of Nuclear Forces

The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall obey the monolithic command of the president of the State Affairs of the DPRK.

The president of the State Affairs of the DPRK shall have all decisive powers concerning nuclear weapons.

The state nuclear forces command\organization composed of members appointed by the president of the State Affairs of the DPRK shall assist the president of the State Affairs of the DPRK in the whole course rom decision concerning nuclear weapons to execution.

In case the command\and control system over the state nuclear forces is placed in danger owing to an attack by hostile forces, a nuclear strike shall be launched automatically\and immediately to destroy the hostile forces including the starting point of provocation\and the command according to the operation plan decided in advance.

Execution of Decision on Use of Nuclear Weapons

The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall immediately execute an\order of using nuclear weapons.

Principle of Using Nuclear Weapons

The DPRK shall regard it as its main principle to use nuclear weapons as the last means in\order to cope with outside aggression\and attack seriously threatening the security of the country\and the people.

The DPRK shall neither threaten non-nuclear weapons states with its nuclear weapons nor use nuclear weapons against them unless they join aggression\or attack against the DPRK in collusion with other nuclear weapons states.

Conditions of Using Nuclear Weapons

The DPRK can use nuclear weapons in the following cases:

In case an attack by nuclear weapons\or other weapons of mass destruction was launched\or drew near is judged

In case a nuclear\or non-nuclear attack by hostile forces on the state leadership\and the command\organization of the state's nuclear forces was launched\or drew near is judged

In case a fatal military attack against important strategic objects of the state was launched\or drew near is judged

In case the need for operation for preventing the expansion\and protraction of a war\and taking the initiative in the war in contingency is inevitably raised.

In other case an inevitable situation in which it is compelled to correspond with catastrophic crisis to the existence of the state\and safety of the people by only nuclear weapons is created.

7. Regular readiness of nuclear forces

The nuclear forces of the DPRK shall be regularly ready for action so that if an\order to use nuclear weapons is issued, it can immediately execute it in any conditions\and circumstances.

8. Safe maintenance, management\and protection of nuclear weapons

1) The DPRK shall establish a thorough\and safe system of storing\and managing nuclear weapons to make sure that all the processes such as storage\and management, the assessment of their lifespan\and performance\and their updating\and dismantlement are conducted in conformity with administrative\and technical regulations\and legal procedures,\and shall guarantee its implementation.

2) The DPRK shall take thorough protective steps for fear that nuclear weapons, technology\and equipment concerned, nuclear substances, etc. will leak out.

9. Qualitative\and quantitative increasing\and upgrading of nuclear forces

1) The DPRK shall constantly assess outside nuclear threats\and the change in the posture of international nuclear forces\and correspondingly upgrade\and beef up its nuclear forces in a qualitative\and quantitative way in response to it.

2) The DPRK shall regularly\update its strategy of using nuclear weapons according to different situations to enable its nuclear forces to reliably perform their mission.

10. Non-proliferation

The DPRK, as a responsible nuclear weapons state, shall neither deploy nuclear weapons in the territory of other countries nor share them\and not transfer nuclear weapons, technology\and equipment concerned\and weapon-grade nuclear substances.

11. Others

1) The Law of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK "On further consolidating the position of the self-defence nuclear weapons state" adopted on April 1, 2013 shall be invalid.

2) Relevant\organs will take technical measures to execute the law.

3) None of the articles of the law shall be interpreted to restrain\or\limit the exercise of the DPRK's just right to self-defense.


[이 게시물은 편집국님에 의해 2022-09-10 12:24:52 새 소식에서 복사 됨]
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