전쟁훈련 중단을 촉구하는 탄원서 서명운동
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작성자 관리자 작성일14-02-08 01:06 댓글0건관련링크
윤길상 재미동포전국연합회 회장은 전자우편을 통해 전쟁훈련 중단을 촉구하는 탄원서 서명운동을 제안하였습니다. 윤길상 회장의 전자우편 내용을 공개합니다. - 편집국
남북의 적십자 대표들이 이산가족상봉준비회담을 하던 도중, 미국은 B-52를 서해에 띄우고 핵폭탄 투하연습을 하였답니다.
여러분들은 왜 미국과 남쪽 정부가 군사적 긴장을 조장하는 이유들을 잘 이해하시고 계시리라 믿습니다.
분단을 정치적으로 악용하다가 "통일이 대박"이라는 허상이 "통일쪽박"으로도 될수 있습니다.
이러한 도발적인 전쟁연습을 하다가 사고라도 상대방에게 총알이 날아들면 그것은 전면전으로 비약할 수 있습니다.
극히 위험한 도발행위입니다.
우리 민족은 전쟁참화를 막아야합니다.
이 탄원서에 지원서명을 부탁드립니다.
윤길상 드림
One of the tragedies of the Korean War was the painful separation of families. The North and South Koreas have tentatively agreed to allow some of these families to meet.
However, the planned military exercises between South Korea and US is creating distrust for the North Korean government. Just this week, a nuclear capable B-52 bomber flew a practice sortie in the West Sea. Is this really necessary? Does US and South Korean governments expect us to believe that these provocative exercises are essential to the defense of South Korea?? What about the plight of the families anxiously awaiting to see their families from the other side?
Please help by sending out the petition to others and help gather more signatures.
http://petitions.moveon.org/ sign/president-obama-please- 37?mailing_id=19305&source=s. icn.em.cr&r_by=363989
If you are so motivated, you can write letters to the newspaper editors.
http://petitions.moveon.org/ tools/lte.html?id=19305- 363989-3ALCrJ
[이 게시물은 관리자님에 의해 2014-02-08 01:10:51 새 소식에서 복사 됨] However, the planned military exercises between South Korea and US is creating distrust for the North Korean government. Just this week, a nuclear capable B-52 bomber flew a practice sortie in the West Sea. Is this really necessary? Does US and South Korean governments expect us to believe that these provocative exercises are essential to the defense of South Korea?? What about the plight of the families anxiously awaiting to see their families from the other side?
Please help by sending out the petition to others and help gather more signatures.
If you are so motivated, you can write letters to the newspaper editors.
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